Rite Engineering & Mfg. began building boilers in 1952 in downtown Los Angeles. Their dedicated Rite Boiler representatives throughout the United States and Canada offer strong local support while trained factory technicians and staff are standing by ready to answer any boiler questions you may have. From their dependable atmospheric fired boilers to their new high performance Durafin boiler, Rite has a boiler design for every application and budget.
All Rite Boilers are designed to operate with negative pressure combustion chambers and stacks, which means flue gasses are safely under negative draft conditions from the time the fuel is burned until it exits the stack.

Atmospheric & Forced Draft Boilers:
- Easy to maintain atmospheric burners available
- Boiler sizes range from 11HP – 300HP
- 25 Year non-prorated thermal shock warranty
- Straight tubes for ease of inspection/maintenance and complete waterside access
- Listed for use with Type B Vent exhaust breeching
- Hot water boilers built to 125 PSI design pressure
- Low pressure and high pressure steam boilers available
- High temperature hot water boilers also available
- Extremely low electrical consumption (Atmospheric)
- Partial and Full Take-A-Part designs available

Durafin Boilers:
- Highest non-condensing boiler efficiency available
- Boiler efficiency is approx. 85%
- Hot water boilers built to 160 PSI design pressure
- Boiler sizes range from 7HP – 248HP
- 25 Year warranty against thermal shock and tube erosion
- “Zero” tube pull clearance required